Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a phytocannabinoid, and typically the most abundant cannabinoid present in cannabis products on the market today. THC can be derived from THCA by non-enzymatic decarboxylation during storage and consumption. It is responsible for the well-documented psychoactive effects experienced when consuming cannabis.

When you smoke or ingest cannabis, THC travels into the bloodstream and eventually binds to cannabinoid receptors throughout your body. These receptor sites affect memory, concentration, pleasure, coordination, sensory and time perception, appetite and many more important functions.

Mild side effects of larger doses of THC can include anxiety, elation, burning eyes, dry mouth, shaking/trembling, increased heart rate and/or shortness of breath (or at least the perception of such) and short-term memory loss. Smoking or ingesting too much THC in a short period of time can intensify and alter its effects.

Latest Research

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Medical Marijuana: Much More Than Just THC and CBD
For years now Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has been the most popular and widely researched cannabinoid in cannabis science. However, nowadays it seems like cannabidiol (CBD) has stolen the spotlight given its ability to provide therapeutic relief to children suffering from various epileptic disorders, while lacking the psychotropic effects (i.e. high) of THC. It’s even gotten to the point that state legislature are passing laws “CBD-only” medical marijuana legislation. Given all of this, it is easy to see how CBD and THC can be viewed …
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Study Shows THC In Cannabis May Help Delay Retinal Degeneration, Vision Loss
For years medical marijuana has been used to help treat certain conditions that can cause vision loss. The most common example of this is glaucoma, but it is not the only condition for which cannabis may be beneficial. In fact, a group of researchers from Spain’s University of Alicante published a study earlier this month in the journal Experimental Eye Research that supports this claim. It suggests that cannabinoids may help slow vision loss in the case of retinitis pigmentosa. Researchers Investigate Cannabinoids, Visual Deterioration …
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Study: Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) May Inhibit The Progression Of HIV / AIDS
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Study: Cannabis Increases Sensitivity To Smell, Stimulates Appetite
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Study: Cannabis Plays A Key Role In Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
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Cannabis vs. Cancer: Studies Suggest Cannabinoids May Kill Human Cancer Cells
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GW Pharmaceuticals Begins Trials On Treating Brain Cancer With Sativex
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Study: THC In Marijuana May Treat Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms
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Medical Marijuana May Treat Aggressive Forms Of Breast Cancer
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Study: Anandamide May Fight Aggressive Skin Cancer
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